First Workshop on Speech, Language and Audio in Multimedia

InterSpeech satellite event | August 22/23, 2013 | Marseille (France)

The first Workshop on Speech, Language and Audio in Multimedia (SLAM) aims at bringing together researchers working in speech, language and audio processing to analyze, index and access multimedia data.

Multimedia data are now available in very large amounts with a wide variety of formats and qualities, from professional content to user-generated ones:

  • Lectures;
  • Meetings;
  • Interviews;
  • Debates;
  • Conversational broadcast;
  • Podcasts;
  • Social videos on the Web;
  • etc.

Those data and the associated use scenarios raise specific challenges:

  • Robustness facing the high variability in quality;
  • Efficiency to handle very large amount of data;
  • Semantics shared across modalities;
  • Potentially high error rates in transcription;
  • etc.

Worldwide, several national and international research projects are focusing on audio analysis of multimedia data. Various benchmark initiatives have been initiated such as

  • TRECVID Multimedia Event Detection Track;
  • MediaEval Benchmarking Initiative for Multimedia Evaluation;
  • ETAPE Automatic Speech Processing Evaluation;
  • REPERE Multimedia People Recognition in Television Documents.

Latest news

Aug. 6th Proceedings are available, hosted by CEUR-WS.

Jun. 27th Workshop program is available.

Jun. 27th List of hotels close to the venue.

Jun. 23rd Workshop will take place in Pharo park.

Jun. 6th Registration website is now open.

About SLAM 2013

The workshop is organized in conjunction with Interspeech 2013 over 1.5 days, starting Thu. 22, 2013 at mid-day and ending Fri. 23, 2013 afternoon, right before the main conference. Marseille is conveniently connected by high-speed train to Lyon where the Interspeech conference will take place. The format of the workshop will include an invited talk, oral presentations of scientific work and a poster session for project and benchmark presentations.

The first SLAM workshop is jointly organized by the newly created ISCA SIG on Speech and Language in Multimedia and by the IEEE SIG on Audio and Speech Processing in Multimedia. This first edition is intended as the first of a series of workshop.

Questions regarding the workshop can be addressed to


ISCA SIG on Speech and Language in Multimedia

IEEE SIG on Audio and Speech Processing for Multimedia